About Us

We’re Mind, the mental health charity. We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.

For 75 years we’ve been changing society. We’ve been instrumental in pushing mental health up the agenda, and we’re unstoppable when it comes too speaking out powerfully and successfully alongside our campaigners. The changes we have made to the mental health system, to equality legislation, to the benefits system, the huge shifts in public attitudes and understanding alongside the tailored services and advice for individuals have made a difference to thousands upon thousands of lives.

It’s a pivotal time to join Mind. We have refreshed our iconic brand and this will take us from strength to strength as, from April, we begin our new strategy, informed by people with lived experience. We will be fighting the biggest threats facing mental health today, in particular those relating to race, young people and poverty. Moreover, we have made a commitment to become an anti-racist organisation.

We are a federation and we share a common purpose and ambition with a network of 115 independent local Minds across England and Wales, each providing life-changing services, including supported housing, crisis helplines, drop-in centres, employment and training schemes, counselling and befriending.

Our 158 high street shops support our income generation as well as providing opportunities for thousands of people with lived experience of mental health problems to recover their confidence through volunteering, as well as a friendly source of information and connection in the heart of local communities.

Our dedicated support to improve mental health in the workplace is transforming working lives for people across England and Wales. Whether you are a frontline doctor, a blue light worker or a construction worker, we support organisations to do better for their employees.

We take that commitment seriously within Mind too. We take part in our own Workplace Wellbeing Index (now used by 120 companies across England and Wales) achieving Gold Status in our last showing, and are proud to be a Stonewall Champion. We put effort into encouraging staff to contribute to our organisation: our Staff Forum and our LGBTQI+ and BAME staff networks are instrumental in challenging us to be a truly inclusive organisation.

People and their lived experience are at the heart of everything we do. We seek out and help share the stories of those people who are less often heard. Their experiences fuel our external communications. Their insights drive our strategy and direct our campaigning. We are proud that over 50% of our staff have their own lived experience of mental health problems.


Mind Cymru

Mind Cymru’s purpose is to lead Mind’s work in Wales and to ensure that our impact is strong in both nations. Mind has a federated structure of Local Mind delivery organisations of which there are 20 in Wales.

Social prescribing

Social prescribing is a way of helping people to deal with the things in their life that can make them feel unhappy or anxious. Addressing these things takes a little extra time and support. We can help people to access a wide range of activities and support in their local community that can help them turn things around. Welsh Government have funded us to work with four local Minds (Cwm Taf Morgannwg, Vale of Clwyd, Ystradgynlais, and Brecon and District Mind) to find out how social prescribing can improve mental health. This is a pilot project in Wales that is available in the four local Mind areas. We are evaluating the impact of the service, to better understand how social prescribing can improve mental health.

Side by Side Cymru

Thanks to support from the Welsh Government, Mind Cymru in partnership with four local Minds, led the Side by Side Cymru programme to improve the availability and quality of peer support in the community. Since 2018, the Side by Side Cymru programme has reached 381 peer leaders across 4 areas of Wales. The peer leaders we worked with went on to provide peer support to at least 3,800 people in Wales 

My Generation

My Generation is a joint project between Mind Cymru, and local Minds in Wales to help people over 50 to stay well by improving their resilience. It was developed in partnership with Age Cymru and local Minds, and is funded by the Welsh Government.

Time to Change Wales

Mind Cymru, in partnership with Hafal is proud to deliver Time to Change Wales, the first national campaign to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems.

With one in four of us affected by mental health problems in any one year, Time to Change Wales aims to tackle stigma and discrimination through a social contact model and by getting people all over Wales to talk.

By talking about mental health we can:

  • strengthen relationships with friends, family and colleagues
  • take the taboo out of something that affects everyone
  • break down stereotypes and challenge stigma
  • support people in their recovery