Role Description

Member of the LLDC Board

The LLDC Board is responsible for setting strategic direction and overall policy within an overall framework set by the Mayor of London, providing leadership, support, oversight, scrutiny, performance monitoring and corporate governance to the organisation. The Board’s challenge role is an essential part of the LLDC’s governance of major capital and revenue budgets.

The members of the LLDC Board as a whole are collectively responsible for achieving the purpose of the Legacy Corporation:

To promote and deliver physical, social, economic and environmental regeneration in the Olympic Park and surrounding area, in particular by maximising the legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, by securing high-quality sustainable development and investment, ensuring the long-term success of the facilities and assets within its direct control and supporting and promoting the aim of convergence.

Board members are required to:

  • provide entrepreneurial leadership of the Legacy Corporation operating within its overall statutory framework;
  • provide prudent and effective controls appropriate to a body responsible for the use of public funds which ensure that high standards of corporate governance and financial management are observed and which enable risk to be assessed and managed;
  • ensure that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the Legacy Corporation to achieve the Objectives;
  • set the Legacy Corporation’s values and standards and ensure that the Objectives and the Legacy Corporation’s obligations to others are understood and met;
  • prepare an annual budget and capital spending plan for each financial year for consideration by the Mayor in accordance with the Mayor’s annual budget timetable and procedure;
  • as soon as practicable after the end of each financial year ensure that an annual report is prepared by the Legacy Corporation including the audited accounts for submission to the Mayor and the London Assembly;
  • ensure that proper regard is had to any guidance given by the Mayor as to the exercise of the Legacy Corporation’s functions;
  • ensure that the Legacy Corporation complies with any directions given by the Mayor as to the exercise of the Corporation’s functions;
  • review the performance of the Chief Executive and other members of the Management Team.

All Board Members are required to understand and embrace the ‘Principles of Public Life‘ as defined by the Nolan Committee and outlined in the Protocol on Mayoral Appointments.

Board Members once appointed, depending on their knowledge, skills and experience, are then appointed by the Board to serve on one or more LLDC’s committees. The current committee structure includes an Audit Committee, Investment Committee, Regeneration and Communities Committee, Planning Decisions Committee, Health, Safety and Security Committee and a People, Organisation and Culture Committee.