Trustees Profile
Role Profile
- Serve as an active member of the Board of Trustees, ensuring as a cohesive group that Versus Arthritis’s resources are applied exclusively and as effectively and efficiently as possible in furtherance of its charitable purposes.
- Contribute actively to the Board of Trustees in setting Versus Arthritis’s strategic direction and overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance and impact.
- Employ any specific personal skills, knowledge or experience to help the Board of Trustees reach sound decisions.
- Act prudently at all times including assessing any risks and ensuring that there are contingency plans which will protect the charity if any were to occur.
- Ensure the financial stability of Versus Arthritis.
- Always act in the best interests of Versus Arthritis, safeguarding the good name and values of the Charity.
- Ensure that Versus Arthritis complies with its governing documents and all relevant legislation, regulations and best practice.
Person Specification
- Genuine appreciation of and commitment to the mission, values and behaviours of Versus Arthritis with a desire and ability to be a good advocate for the Charity.
- Ability and willingness to develop sufficient knowledge about arthritis, musculoskeletal conditions and related matters to contribute at least to broad discussions on the subject.
- Either:
- an experienced clinician or clinician scientist working in the field of musculoskeletal disease; or
- current broad digital systems expertise with a proven track record of successfully developing and leading a large-scale IT and/or digital transformation programme.
- Strategic vision with the ability to focus on key issues, provide informed guidance on new initiatives and identify how the Charity can best meet its ambitions, employing strong analytical skills, judgement and decision-making.
- Lived experience of arthritis – either as someone who has arthritis themselves, or has a close association with someone living with the condition. This is beneficial, but not a requirement.
- Ability to think creatively and independently, confidence to speak openly and to challenge diplomatically, positively and constructively.
- Highly developed communication skills and inter-personal behaviours to be able to gain trust and confidence quickly and to build effective working relationships and work constructively with board and executive colleagues and other stakeholders.
- Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship and the principles of good charity governance.
- High levels of integrity and probity and acceptance of collective responsibility for decisions taken for the good of Versus Arthritis.
- Willingness and ability to meet the minimum time requirement.
This is a voluntary role. Reasonable expenses incurred in the course of carrying out trustee duties will be reimbursed in line with the Charity’s expenses policy.
Time commitment
The overall time commitment for trustees is typically an average of 1.5 days per month (excluding induction sessions in the weeks following appointment), spread across the course of a year.
Trustees are normally expected to attend four meetings (each lasting approximately six hours including breaks) of the Board of Trustees a year. These are currently held during regular working hours, although it is intended to review this in light of trustees’ preferences. Additionally, trustees are expected to serve on at least one committee of the board, each of which also normally meets four times a year (each lasting approximately three hours). These are also currently held during regular working hours, but again there is an intention to review this. All meetings are currently held online, but it is anticipated that we will revert to face-to-face meetings in due course, usually in London, but with provision to join remotely as required. Meeting dates are set at least a year in advance. Additional board and committee meetings may be held on an exceptional basis. Trustees are also expected to attend a range of other events and meetings; to participate in development and annual appraisals; to continue to raise their own awareness and understanding of Versus Arthritis and its work and their insight into the needs of people with arthritis; and to support Versus Arthritis in a range of different of ways, such as fundraising and communication. Whenever possible these additional activities are scheduled for the same days as board and committee meetings.
Meetings and activities take place both at the charity’s offices and a range of other locations throughout the UK, as well as, when appropriate, online.
Length of appointment
Trustees are appointed for an initial term of four years, with the possibility of a similar second term.