
Thank you for your interest in exploring this opportunity to join our governing body.
Thanks to the commitment of our staff and students we have weathered the initial impact of Covid -19 well. However the Higher Education sector is facing unparalleled financial challenges: UK tuition fees, pension costs, and the rate at which oversees students will return to name but three.
The University of Bath already has a strong reputation in research and teaching and scores well in terms of student satisfaction. Our new strategy for 2021- 2026 is just being finalised and will build on these strengths. Clearly we will need to remain agile as we prepare for a fast changing environment and we recognise the need for greater devolution and earned autonomy to facilitate faster decision making within the agreed strategy.
If you have a passion for the value of education and believe you can make a contribution to help us on this journey, we would love to hear from you.
Pamela Chesters CBE
Chair of Council